+ 4

Nordic fun

More than 200 kilometers of competition-ready cross-country ski trails stretch through the high valley around Lake Achensee. Skaters as well as fans of the classic style will find an excellent and multiple award-winning trail system with many routes of varying degrees of difficulty.

Included services

  • 4 Overnight stays in an accommodation of your choice at Lake Achensee
  • 4 Tage Langlauf-Ausrüstung
  • 3 Tage Langlauf-Kurs à 2 Stunden
  • Sackerl mit Tiroler Steinöl® Produkten
  • Achensee Langlauf Infobroschüren Paket
  • Erhalt der AchenseeCard
  • - 10 % Ermäßigung auf Eintritte im Atoll Achensee
from €710,00 per Person

Achensee Tourismus

period of validity
19.12.2023 - 17.03.2024
possible arrival dates
Standard information sheet for package travel contracts
The combination of travel services offered to you is a package tour within the meaning of Directive (EU) 2015/2302.
Therefore, you can take advantage of all EU rights that apply to package tours. The company TVB Achensee bears full responsibility for the proper implementation of the entire package tour.
In addition, the company TVB Achensee has the legally required protection for the repayment of your payments and, if the transport is included in the package tour, to secure your return transport in the event of its bankruptcy.
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