Wiesing - Buchbergl (formerly Tiergarten) - Jenbach - Wiesing

Important Infomation

Route Length
3.5 km
Elevation Gain
90 hm
Highest Point
615 hm
Elevation Loss
90 hm
Route Time Total
01:00 h
Starting Point: Wiesing, parish church
End Point: Wiesing, parish church
Route Type: Roundtrip

Elevation Profile


From the parish church Wiesing, the route follows the cycle and footpath in the direction of Rotholz. Just before the motorway underpass, turn right into the forest. Follow the path as it climbs gently, then walk over the forest ridge and along the forest path to the edge of the quarry. From here, a newly built path leads to the viewing platform to the south of the school Jenbach HTL. The return route leads along the northern edge of the Buchbergl forest back to Wiesing.
