Steinberger Kotalm

Important Infomation

Route Length
5.8 km
Elevation Gain
420 hm
Highest Point
1449 hm
Elevation Loss
420 hm
Time Uphill
02:00 h
Time Downhill
01:30 h
Route Time Total
03:30 h
Starting Point: Steinberg, car park Rofanlifte II
End Point: Steinberg, car park Rofanlifte II
Route Type: Roundtrip

Elevation Profile


This snowshoe tour, which leads mostly through forest terrain, starts from the car park of the Rofan lifts II. Behind the service building, the route leads up to the Gfaßsattel (wayside cross), walking time ca. 30 minutes. Follow the signs in the direction of (Steinberger) Kotalm - Unutz. After ca. 1.5 hours, you arrive at the Kotalm (not serviced). The return is via the same route. Alternatively, walk left below the decrepit Kotalm and follow the trail to Steinberg (see signposts). After ca. 1.5 hours, you reach the forest road. Turn right and head back to the car park of the Rofan lifts II.

Special notice: Please respect wildlife and be quiet around deer feeding stations. Walking time varies depending on snow conditions.

Walking time to the Steinberger Kotalm: 2 hours. Walking time back to Steinberg: ca. 1.5 hours.
