Steinberg - Gfaßsattel - Steinberg

Important Infomation

Route Length
3.7 km
Elevation Gain
190 hm
Highest Point
1226 hm
Elevation Loss
190 hm
Time Uphill
00:45 h
Time Downhill
00:45 h
Route Time Total
01:30 h
Starting Point: Steinberg am Rofan, car park Rofanlifte II
End Point: Steinberg am Rofan, car park Rofanlifte II
Route Type: Roundtrip

Elevation Profile


From the car park of the “Rofan lifts II”, follow the forest path to the Schönjochalm. After ca. 1.5 kilometres, turn right and follow the signpost “Gfaßkopfsteig”. The path takes you to a wayside shrine and a sitting bench. From here, turn right and follow the trail back to the starting point. 
