Seekarlspitze (2,261m)

Important Infomation

Route Time Total
02:00 h
Route Length
3 km
Elevation Gain
450 hm

Elevation Profile


Overall character: Fantastic ski tour on the high plateau of the Rofan mountains. Impressive view of the Guffert and the village of Steinberg am Rofan.

Ascent: From the mountain station, walk over the ski slope to the Mauritzalm, then continue downhill to the Ortovox educational trail (avalanche beacon checkpoint). After a wide ditch in the stepped terrain, follow the summer hiking path in an easterly direction to the Haidachstellwand and via the Grubastiege and a short narrow section to the high plateau (100m before signpost no. 4). At the signpost, walk over the wide ridge under the broad summit slope of the Seekarlspitze. After several hairpin bends you will reach the summit cross. 

Descent: Alongside the ascent route     
