Bernhard chapel


The Bernhard Chapel in Wiesing-Bradl was built in memory of Bernhard Möse, founder of the company CAD-Technik in Wiesing. Bernhard died in a plane crash on 1 July 2001 at the age of 34. The Bernhard Chapel was previously located in Kramsach and known as the "Äuerle Chapel", owned by Lore and Leo Möse. 

Due to infrastructural changes, a new location for the chapel was sought. It was also very dilapidated, having been flooded twice by the river Inn, so it was dismantled in the autumn of 2007. In 2008, with the help of friends of the Möse family, it was rebuilt true to scale and lovingly furnished with the old materials. On 28 November 2008, the chapel was consecrated to St. Bernhard by the parish priest, Marek Ciesielski. May it be a place of reflection and contemplation for visitors. 
