Bergstation Rofanseilbahn - Seekarlspitze - Spieljoch - Bergstation Rofanseilbahn

Important Infomation

Route Length
7.2 km
Elevation Gain
585 hm
Highest Point
2261 hm
Elevation Loss
585 hm
Time Uphill
02:00 h
Time Downhill
01:30 h
Route Time Total
03:30 h
Starting Point: Maurach, top station Rofan cable car
End Point: Maurach, top station Rofan cable car
Route Type: Roundtrip

Elevation Profile


From the top station of the Rofan cable car, walk past the Mauritzalm mountain hut to the Grubastiege and continue to the Grubalacke. Keep left and walk below the southern wall of the Rosskopf until you reach the col between Seekarlspitze and Rosskopf. Climb over the steep step to the summit of the Seekarl (secured with ropes). From here, walk over alpine meadows to the ascent of the Spieljoch. The ascent to the southern ridge and to the summit is also secured with ropes. The descent from the Spieljoch leads over an alpine meadow which lies to the south of the summit. Follow a short switchback trail until you reach the path that takes you back to the top station of the Rofan cable car.
