Achenkirch - Sonnberg-Panoramaweg - Achenkirch

Important Infomation

Route Length
6.8 km
Elevation Gain
180 hm
Highest Point
1015 hm
Elevation Loss
180 hm
Time Uphill
01:00 h
Time Downhill
01:00 h
Route Time Total
02:00 h
Starting Point: Achenkirch, car park Sonnberg (biomass cogeneration plant)
End Point: Achenkirch, car park Sonnberg (biomass cogeneration plant)

Elevation Profile


From the car park Sonnberg at the biomass cogeneration plant, turn right and follow the forest road as it climbs gently to the Resort Achensee. From here, turn left and walk on the pavement next to the Achensee main road to the underpass. After ca. 200 meters, you arrive at the northern end of Lake Achensee. The return is via the same route.
