Achenkirch - Gaisalm (Mariensteig) - Pertisau - Achenkirch

Important Infomation

Route Length
16.4 km
Elevation Gain
198 hm
Highest Point
985 hm
Elevation Loss
198 hm
Time Uphill
03:00 h
Time Downhill
03:00 h
Route Time Total
06:00 h
Starting Point: Achenkirch, Sixenhof local history museum
End Point: Achenkirch, Sixenhof local history museum

Elevation Profile


From the car park of the Sixenhof local history museum, walk to the campsite Alpen Caravan Park Achensee. Turn right and follow the signposts to the Gaisalm mountain hut past the Seewinkel. Follow the narrow path (Mariensteig) as it climbs steadily alongside Lake Achensee before it descends over steep steps to the Gaisalm (shipping pier). The route leads over scree and narrow rocky trails to Pertisau. The return is via the same route or by ship. 

The Achensee region carries the Tirolean seal of quality for the high standard of its hiking paths. The "Mariensteig" has been named "Tirolean mountain trail of distinction" for its scenic beauty, stunning views and unique flora. 
