Your digital taxi voucher

Taxi app „Calemo“ (Cashless Mobility)

By issuing digital taxi vouchers, Achensee Tourism, and the municipalities of Achenkirch, Eben, Steinberg and Wiesing make a joint effort to improve mobility. Don’t miss out on this offer! Pick up your voucher and pay cashless for your taxi ride.

What steps are required to receive a CALEMO voucher?

  • Step 1: Fill in the form below (the Job-Life Achensee team will be happy to handle your voucher request from Monday to Friday. Please note that this will take some time). 
  • Step 2: We will send a QR code/ voucher code to the email address you provided.
  • Step 3: Download the „Calemo“ taxi app to your smartphone. You can now activate and use the taxi voucher with the voucher code (e.g. X23bP981) or the QR code. 
  • Step 4: DahoamCard holders are entitled to a € 50 voucher once a year. You may redeem € 10 of this amount per taxi ride to reduce your expenses.
  • Step 5: Order your taxi and off you go!

Get your taxi voucher