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Sharing outdoor etiquette tips via social media!

Facebook environmental awareness campaign

"R-E-S-P-E-C-T": With this song, Aretha Franklin makes the topic unmistakably clear. The Achensee Tourist Board has launched a campaign which puts song and film titles into a new context, with humorous comics and original captions raising awareness for being mindful in nature and staying safe when enjoying the outdoors. In our Facebook social media campaign we share tips on environmentally conscious behaviour and how we all can take responsibility for nature. We also aim to increase the appreciation and awareness of things we tend to forget or push out of our minds when we are outdoors in nature. 
The song title "We're In This Together Now" by Loving Caliber is accurate and to the point: Our joint effort is required to keep the "living environment and recreational space of nature" on the mountains, at the lake and in the valleys pristine and accessible for future generations, ensuring that the Achensee region remains a high-quality holiday destination.

Let’s all become champions for nature! Our livelihood depends on a pristine environment, so we all need to protect our powerful natural resources.
Achensee Tourism

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