Beer brewed to the utmost in quality!

Achensee beer – Tirol's most popular mini-brewery

Every success story requires taking a first step. Fortunately, Alois Rupprechter did, and that’s how he invented the Achensee beer. It all started over ten years ago. Alois Rupprechter, owner of the Hotel Karlwirt, took some time out with his family. They went to Upper Austria and as they were driving through a small village, Alois noticed an inn with brewing kettles on its facade. Curious, they stopped by and were told that the beer is home-brewed. Doubtful at first, Alois ordered a beer, and after he took the first sip, he was delighted.

From the first brew to Tirol’s most popular mini-brewery

In December 2010, Alois and his brother-in-law barricaded themselves into the brewery for four days. The release of their first beer in January 2011 marked a significant moment. The brew, a wheat beer, tasted great, and the brewers were overjoyed. Today, the brewery produces a range of brews under the brand “Achenseebier”. The beers are served at the Langlaufstüberl and at the Hotel Karlwirt. “Meanwhile, the brewery is running to full capacity. Increasing production would require expanding the facilities, but that doesn’t make any sense. We want to keep the brewery small and focus on quality rather than quantity”, says Rupprechter. In 2019, Achenseebier was even named Tirol’s most popular mini-brewery by Falstaff.  

Since December 2010 in Langlaufstüberl in Pertisau, at the entrance to the Karwendel valleys, naturally cloudy beer has been produced in the first brewery in Achensee.
The Achensee beer

Guided brewery tours and beer tastings, also with accompanying cheeses, are available on request (except during the winter months).

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